I’m so excited that you want to check out joining my team and becoming a BODi Parnter!

Here’s what to expect:

  • Being a wellness coach on my team means you lead by example, practice what you preach, and earn an income while doing it! This is literally as easy as just sharing your fitness & nutrition journey every day. The easiest way to share your journey is via videos & posts on social media. I personally love using Instagram, but you can use whatever platform you feel most comfortable using! Your broadcasted consistency & results with our proven programs & products will inspire others to want to do the same with you as their leader.

    The proven programs & products we use are from BODi (formerly “Beachbody”). BODi is a global leader in health & fitness, and we partner with them because we believe their programs & products truly work and will help you & your clients to reach success!

  • A common question I receive is “How much of my day will being a BODi coach consume?”. And that’s a very valid question! Us moms don’t have all the time in the world, and so we can’t be expected to work 8 hours a day on this side-gig while also being a SAHM/full-time employee.

    I’m happy to inform you that this gig can take up as much or as little amount of time as you’d like. Because it’s YOUR business, YOU decide how much time you’ll invest into it. Just know that the more time you invest, the more you’ll get out of it!

    As a BODi Partner, there are 3 goals you’ll want to be pushing towards:

    Gaining Clients
    A “Client” is someone who signs up with you and has you as their BODi Partner. You work together with them to find out what workouts, meal plans & supplements are best for them in their stage of life. You then encourage them to stay consistent, hold them accountable to their goals & just grow a fantastic friendship with them! Super simple!

    Recruiting Partners
    As a Partner, you’ll want to find and encourage others to partner with you. (Kinda like what I’m doing right now through you reading this web page 😉). Oftentimes people sign up with you as a client, then they find out they LOVE the programs & products, and decide to jump up to being a partner while they continue on their fitness journey! That’s what I did!

    Inspiring Others
    And lastly, you’ll keep documenting your fitness & nutrition journey. Post about the workouts that you do, your meals, supplements, progress pics, and whatever else you want to share (doesn’t even have to be fitness or business related!). Just be YOU and you’ll find others wanting to join you in no time! Your #1 Job as a partner is your JOURNEY. So rock your journey and you’l in turn rock your business!

  • Like I said before, the amount of time & effort that you invest into your new business will directly correlate to how much you get out of it. One of which is money (yay!).

    Now, I’ll be honest, it’s a little tricky to explain the compensation plan in one tiny paragraph without totally confusing you. But to summarize: You receive 20-40% commission for every client that joins you (this can be monthly recurring commission from one client as well), and you receive a bonus for every partner that joins you.

    I can definitely explain it more in detail over an email or phone call! Just click the button below to fill out the application & we’ll talk soon!

  • Here’s a fun video that captures what being a BODi coach is all about, the history of our company & what you can expect when you partner with us!

Want to partner with me? Great!

Click the button below to choose the BODi Pack you’d like to start with, then fill out the form!

My story & why becoming a BODi Partner was right for me!

You can also watch the speech I gave at the 2021 Coach Summit Event about growing a coaching business through use of Instagram!