Thanks for stopping by!

I’m Katy Fassett (bet you didn’t guess that based off of the title of my website, lol). I have been married to my husband, Scott, since 2015. Together we have 3 little boys - Otto, Ole (oh-lee), and little Nels! Yep, 4 boys & one mama (I see a lot of toilet seat cleaning in my future 🥴).

We live in the middle of Minnesota & love it here! The boys live for the seasonal changes & all the fun outdoorsy things they can do. While Scott’s at work, you can find us going for walks, playing superheroes in the yard (why am I always given the roll of the villain?), and watching Cars 2 over and over and over. Life is perfect in the Fassett household. 😇


Ok, I do love my life. My boys are my world & I couldn’t imagine my days without them. But our household is by no means perfect & I don’t want to come across as one of those “perfect” bloggers/instagramers out there! On top of all the goods, here are some of the harsh realities of Katy Fassett & her life:

  • Melt-downs multiple times a week (by both me and the 3 littles) ✔️

  • Unproductive days because #life ✔️

  • Missed dates with friends because sometimes the kids just need a little extra time with me ✔️

  • Burnt dinner ✔️

  • Weeks gone by with no one-on-one time with Scott ✔️

  • A constantly changing schedule ✔️

It can be so tough being a stay-at-home/work-at-home mom! But I wouldn’t trade this life for the world. I hope you see both the ugly and the near-perfect through my corner of the internet (we do have some “perfect” moments here or there 🤗). I want other moms to be able to relate to me & my life, and to not feel so alone once they see all the #momlife things I share daily on my instagram account.

“You said you work from home… what exactly do you do, Katy?”

I help mamas find hope & joy in their motherhood journey.

I do this through my wellness coaching business. I daily get to help other moms get back into a good fitness & nutrition routine, while most importantly switching their mindset to “I am a VICTOR (well, Victoria.. technically), not a victim!”

It’s no secret that even though motherhood is one of the most rewarding things you will ever experience, it can also make you feel exhausted, depressed, anxious, out of shape, not yourself and downright hopeless. I'm here to help you break out of that funk and get you feeling like YOU again! I do this through workout programs, accountability groups, supplements & Zoom meetings. It's time we reclaim our lives and stop listening to the devil's lies of "you are worthless", "your kids are a burden", "you'll never feel good again". Enough of that. It's time to break free and be the women we are called to be!

Ok, I’ll stop talking business now. 🤓

Thank you for stopping by!!

- Katy ❤️